3 million - Total dollars saved during a 21-day challenge which reduced energy usage by 100 million kilowatts
24,000 - Number of tons of paper diverted from landfills through recycling efforts in 6,000 Post Office lobbies around the nation
30,000 - Total dollars being saved in energy costs with installation of the first green roof in New York City
10,000 - Number of delivery routes delivered on foot — our “fleet of feet”
1,900 - Number of alternative-fuel vehicles added to fleet during the past year
300 - Number of vehicles nationwide powered by biodiesel fuel
17 - Percent saved in building-related energy consumption since 2003
0 - Amount of emissions that come from the hydrogen fuel cell vehicles delivering mail in Irvine, CA, and Washington, DC
4 - Cost, in cents, per mile for the Postal Service to operate its T-3 three-wheeled electric delivery vehicles
40 - Number of White House Closing the Circle awards for environmental stewardship since 1996
41,000 - Number of alternative fuel–capable vehicles currently in the postal fleet
35 - Number of delivery vehicles that run on propane
41 - Percent of increase in alternative fuel use since 2006
30 - Number of electric 2-ton delivery vans in New York City
10,000 - Number of non-energy efficient vehicles removed from the Postal Service’s active delivery fleet this year
9 - Number of consecutive years the Postal Service has won the Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise Partner of the Year award for overall waste reduction achievements
Walking a route is about as green as you can deliver for America.

Washington, DC, Letter Carrier Ronald L. Thomas loads mail into his hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.