There are three types of exceptions that can be invoked and still achieve Section 508 compliance. The three types are general exceptions, specific exceptions, and undue burdens. Definitions of each category of exception may be found in Chapter 4, Section 508 - Postal Service Processes to Comply, of Handbook AS–508–A, Section 508 Technical Reference Guide.
When the purchase of an EIT solution falls within even one of the three exception areas, the Postal Service requires the functional organization to document the rationale for the exception. Supply Management, together with the functional organization, must include the relevant market research documentation in the contract file. For general and specific exceptions, the documentation is relatively easy to prepare. When the purchase of an EIT solution would result in an undue burden to the Postal Service, the requiring organization must prepare an undue burden justification, signed by the vice president of the requiring organization. Additional detail for documenting undue burdens can be found in Chapter 4 of Handbook AS–508–A, Section 508 Technical Reference Guide.