4-2.2 Other Information Available to the Public

4-2.2.1 Public Information About Postal Service Customers

The name or address of a specifically identified Postal Service customer is disclosed to the general public upon request as follows:

  1. Business or Organization Change of Address. Requests for the new address of a specific business or organization must be submitted to the Postmaster serving the last known address. There is no fee for providing this information.
  2. Name and Address of Permit Holder/Name of Person Applying for Permit on Holder’s Behalf. The name and address of the holder of a particular bulk mail permit, permit imprint, or similar permit (but not including postage meter licenses) or name of a person applying for a permit on behalf of a holder is disclosed to the general public under the conditions specified in 39 CFR 265.14(d)(2). Requests must be submitted to the Postmaster of the location noted on the permit imprint. There is no fee for providing this information.
  3. Name and Address of Postage Evidencing System User. The name and address of an authorized user of a postage meter or PC Postage product (postage evidencing systems) printing a specified indicium is disclosed to the general public under the conditions specified in 39 CFR 265.14(d)(3) and Appendix, section E, USPS 870.200, Routine Uses of Records in the System. Such requests must include the original copy of the envelope or wrapper on which the indicium is printed and a copy or description of the contents. There is a fee for this service. Lists of users of postage evidencing systems may not be disclosed. All requests must be sent to:
    475 L’ENFANT PLAZA SW RM 3660
    WASHINGTON, DC 20260

  5. Commercial Mail Receiving Agency Address. The address of a commercial mail receiving agency is disclosed to the general public to the extent provided in 39 CFR 265.14(d)(9)(ii), 5-2.d(3)(a), and Exhibit 5–2a, Address Disclosure Chart.
  6. Business/Residence Location. If the location of a residence or business is known to a Postal Service employee, the employee may disclose it or give direction to it to the general public under the conditions specified in 39 CFR 265.14(d)(8) and 5-2.d(2).

4-2.2.2 Public Information About Postal Service Employees

The following information about Postal Service employees is disclosed to the general public upon request to the extent provided in 39 CFR 265.14(e), 5–2.b(1), and 5-2.b(3):

  1. The name, job title, grade, salary, duty station, and dates of employment of a current or former employee.
  2. A listing of employees working at a particular Postal Service facility.